在吃了Miss S用Panasoic製麵包機製做的好幾個土司下肚後,一直幻想要到Miss S家好好的試用一番,Miss S 大方一口答應,
I have been craving to try out Panasonic automatic bread maker after had serval toasts made by it.
When Miss S agreed to provide me a chance, I was thrilled!
早餐的食用量;而大家庭的朋友們可以選擇SD-BMT 2000T的型號(2斤)。
Let’s have a look of the bread maker itself first. The burgundy red one is a smaller size (0.6 kgs), it is suit
for nuclear families. The portion is just enough for two adults/ two meals. While the white one, SD-BMT 2000T,
is right for the kinship families (1.2 kgs).
In Taiwan, you will get a manual/recipe, an electronic scale, a pair of mittens, a container (for culturing yeast),
a weighing scoop,blades (one for making bread, another for making noodles and/or mochi).
在Miss S的介紹下,基尼在34種美味行程中選擇了美式餐色捲牛奶油麵包。
I finally chose making dinner rolls out of 34 options.
Start with making the dough. The manual states clearly the ingredients and time it is required.
Get the ingredients ready.
將所有的材料倒入麵包容器中(酵母粉除外),第一層蓋子蓋好後將酵母粉倒入酵母容器中,蓋上外蓋後就交給麵包機吧~ (真的好輕鬆!)
Dump all the ingredients into the container (the yeast is excluded), close the inner lid and dump the yeast into yeast
dispenser then close the outer lid. Then you are free to do anything you want~ How easy!
Take out the dough and we are ready to work with it.
Divide the dough into 12 pieces then hit it flat with your palm, roll it from the bottom to the top. Next step is to shape
the tinny dough. ( the photos above illustrate how I did it.)
Repeat the same procedures for 12 times.
Cover your tinny dough with a damp cloth for 10-15 mins.
Miss S 和基尼決定用小麵團做兩種不同口味的小餐包! 將麵團桿成小圓形放入奶油後包起來,奶油小餐包就這麼簡單哦!
Miss S and I decided to make the dinner rolls two flavor.
Roll the dough out and put some butter in the middle then wrap it up, this is our butter dinner roll.
It is equally simple to make another flavor.
Roll the dough out and put pre-mixed tuna fish and corn in the middle then wrap it out.
Cover your semi-manufacturers with a damp cloth, rest them for 40~60 mins.
Oh~ look at that! I want bite it so much!
Now brush the rolls with eggs, this will make your dinner rolls become golden yellow after baking them.
撒上些許白芝麻看起來更加可口! 放入烤箱吧!
Sprinkle some sesame on top of the rolls will make them even delicious. Baking time!
叮!~ 好了好了!!香噴噴的麵包出爐嘍! 鮪魚玉米餐包真的好好吃!~會肥死也無所謂了!!
Yes! The dinner rolls are done! They are just too yummy, who cares about the weight now!
看看這小奶油餐包!撕起來的手感真的好好! 口感更棒! 口水又要流出來了,可惡!!
Look at these butter dinner rolls, it is so stretchy. I can’t stop thinking about the taste now...
Miss S 又推薦了袐密食譜-黑糖饅頭!嘿嘿~ 這可是隱藏版的哦!認識基尼的朋友應該都知道基尼有多討厭吃饅頭,但是這個小小黑糖饅頭
真的好香好紮實! 有夠好吃的啦!! 給Miss S 一個大姆哥!!
Additional to dinner rolls, Miss S recommended a secret recipe – brown sugar Chinese buns. These tiny buns are
full of brown sugar flavor yet not too sweet. This is totally beyond my expectation!
基尼和Miss S約好了再找時間一起用麵包機做pizza! 好期待哦!!
Miss S and I plan to make a pizza, and surely, we will utilize the bread maker to make a pizza dough~! So excited.
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