泰式沙拉的泰文為Yum Woon Sen, Yum 意思是沙拉, 而Woon Sen就是冬粉的意思啦!
這道料理非常清爽 ,料理過程中完全不加一滴油,因此非常適合在炎熱的夏天食用,大量的蔬菜使得這道菜更加健康!
千萬別以為它吃起來沒味道! 基尼第一次吃這道菜是在倫敦的一位泰國鄰居做的,在品嘗之前基尼以為它沒什麼味道,
Thai food has been my all-time favorite, the spiciness and sourness really appetizing.
Yum Woon Sen means Glass noodles in Thai. Yum means Salad while Woon Sen means glass noodles.
This is a very light cuisine, the dressing is totally fat-free. On top of that, lots of vegetables also make it
super healthy. But, don’t think it is tasteless! This cuisine was introduced by my Thai neighbor when I was
in London, to be more specifically, she is the one who taught me how to make it! And I was deeply shocked
right after my very first bite!
廢話不多說~ 咱們動手吧!
Let’s get started!
The ingredients we need are:
萊姆 或是 無籽檸檬 Lime or seedless lemon
魚露 Fish Sauce
糖 Sugar
辣椒 chili
洋蔥 an onion
芹菜 celery
開陽 dried shrimps (浸泡熱水 soak in boiled water)
花生 peanuts
---------------以上為必要食材 above are compulsory ingredient---------------
豬絞肉 minced pork
蝦子 shrimps
香菜 coriander (可有可無, optional)
冬粉 glass noodles (bean thread noodles)
Above ingredients are alternative ones, you may add sliced beef or chicken as the replacement of minced pork & shrimps.
The tools we need are:
沙拉碗 Salad bowl
拌沙拉組 Salad servers
夾子 Tongs
篩子A sieve
Soak your glass noodles with cool water and set it aside.
記得基尼的泰國好友說過一句經典名言,她說: 泰國料理要做的好吃的訣竅就是在酸、辣、鹹與甜中找到一個平衡,
TIP 來嘍~ 由於每顆檸檬的酸度、每罐魚露的鹹度、每根辣椒的辣度都不相同,基尼建議先將檸檬、魚露及糖以1:1:1來調醬,
Nest, let's make the dressing which is the key of this cuisine!
Here's a quote of my Thai friend, she once said to me, a good Thai cusine should provde a delicate
balance between sour, sweet, spicy and salty. Stick to this principal, you will never go wrong.
Here comes the tip, there's no "exact recipe" to make the dressing since the sourness of every lemon varies,
the spiciness of every chili varies. In my opion, the best ratio of lime juice, fish sauce and sugar to start
with is 1:1:1. As for the spiciness will be totally upto you!~
Firstly, add 2 tablespoon of sugar, lime juice and fish sauce. Stir untill the sugar is dissolved.
It will take some time for sugar to be dissovled, but they will be eventually.
放入辣椒~ TIP 又來嘍~ 不敢吃太辣的朋友,可將籽去除;反之,非常喜歡吃辣的朋友們,在切辣椒之前先敲一敲可以讓裡面的辣椒籽
Add the chili. Here comes another tip, for those who can't handle spicy food, you may remove the seed from the chili;
conversely, you may beat the chili before cutting- this will make the seed release the spiciness even more!
以上動作完成後, 別忘記要試試口味! 依自己的喜歡的口味再做最後的調整。
Don't forget to taste the dressing to see how you like to make final adjustments.
Cut the onion, celery and dried shirmps ( remeber to soak it in hot water beforehead).
Scatter these ingredients in the salad bowl.
Next, we are going to get the protein cooked. Now, this is another tip!! Just add a little bit of water in the pan then add
your minced pork. This technique will keep the favour of your ingredients more than they were cooked in a pot.
It's done when there is no more pink in the pot. Add it in to your salad. Remember, you don't need any liquid in the salad!!
Cook your shirmp, but never over cook it!~ Then you are ready to add them into your salad!
Boil some water in a pot and drop the noodles into it, cook it untill it is transparent. Drain the noodles before add it into
your salad.
Pour the dressing onto the noodles, the flavor of the dressing will be absorbed by the noodles very well.
This is why we leave the noodles on the top!
口水是不是快流出來了啊?! 忍著! 快速醬所有的料攪拌均勻~ 接著過大約十至十五分鐘就可以盛盤嘍!
Can't wait to eat??! Hold! Just give everything a quick toss. Let it set for about 10~15 minutes then you could dish it.
將將~ 開動嘍!!!
Tada~ Dig in!!
有多餘的醬汁千萬別倒掉,隔天可以再加入食材食用哦! 基尼這次選擇了科學麵加炒過的雞胸肉,真的好好吃!!
喜歡泰式料理的朋友一定要試試哦! 如果你們願意分享成果到基尼的粉絲專頁那就是給基尼最大的鼓勵!! ^ ^
If you have excess dressing, don't throw it away. Just reserve it in the fridge, you are good to
use them the next time! This time, I chose instant noodles with chicken breast. It is so yummy!
You are welcome to share the photo of your glass noodle salad with me via my facebook page
which is the best way to encourage me of sharing more recipies. ^ ^
▍基尼愛胡鬧 since 2015 ▍ ★按圖片直達粉絲團★
My facebook page Since 2015 click the picture