La La La~~
Ever since I got Blunt umbrella, I don't hate raining days as much!
I was in love with Blunt umbrealla at the first sight.
Even Mr. Picky likes them a lot~!
創始人Greig Brebner(紐西蘭人)在1999年的某一天在從門口踏出時剛好下著大雨刮著風,而當時正好是倫敦的尖峰時間,他眼看著人群
1999. Design engineer Greig Brebner stepped out of a doorway into the human rush hour of a London pavement,
the blustery sky pockmarked with the first sprinkles of rain. He saw over most of the crowd to his destination.
But as the downpour gathered pace, his eyes were suddenly at the mercy of hundreds of bristling spikes.
Moments later the wind turned one of them inside out. This is the scene inspired him to reform umberllas.
Blunt 官網/ Blunt Official website (請點圖 click the pic) 有測試影片可以參考。
台灣代理商 Taiwan Agent (請點我 click here): 有提供網購服務
臉書粉書專頁 Facebook page (請點我 click here)
There're total 11 series so far (it is unfortunate that Taiwan agent only introduces part of them). In fact, I was
so confused becasue there are too many of them. Honestly, my attention was totaly drawn by their pretty
colors & patterns in the beginning, just couldn't focus on the feature of each. Now, I have done some
reaserch, I love to share it with you~
這是一把2段式折疊傘,可以自動彈開、不能自動合傘,但基尼必需說它很好使力、非常順手地就可以用手合傘! 而贈送的傘套更
It is 2 stage collasible. I think it is very handy and easy to close. The tiny zipper on the umbrella cover
enable the users to put it back on the umberllas. I really appreicate it!
Mini + viz直傘小號(反光傘面)
Mini + viz, the tiny logo is full of the canopy and they are even reflective, isn't the design interesting?!
On top of it, the handle is well-designed which make it stand out from the others. This is one of my
favourite serie.
Lite 勾勾傘
這款和下面Lite + UV 美人傘最大的差異就在於,它沒有特別強調抗UV的功能,但這款有較多顏色上的選擇,所以沒有特
The differences between Lite & Lite + UV, in my opion, is the function of blocking UV. Although "Lite"
is not an UV blocking umbrella, there are more choices over the colors.
Lite+UV 美人傘
This is a UV blocking umbrella, totaly suit for people who are afarid of getting taned. It blocks over 99% UV.
Unfortunately, there are only three colors are available.
The handle was well- designed, looks simple yet chic. Multiples choices and the size of it make me think
it is perfectly suit for men or couples.
除了以上幾款以外,台灣代理商也有進了一款高抗強風超輕量高爾夫球傘,但基尼沒錢打高爾夫球,就沒特別研究它嘍!! TT
Additionally to above series, Taiwan agent also introduced Blunt Golf umbrellas. Since I am totally
not a golf girl, no reserch about them..sorry~
直到Blunt創始人Greig 在他的廚房桌上用一些製作風箏的布料及熱融槍著手改良。基尼認為Blunt最顯著的改良為安全圓邊技術,
不僅不像傳統雨傘容易刺到別人,圓圓的傘邊真的討喜多了!另一項專利技術:防反轉-逕向張力系統(RTS- Redirects, Transfers,
Now, let me explain why we call Blunt umbrella the best umbrella in the world. First, until the moment Greig set to
work on his kitchen table with a glue gun and some kite material, the basic design of the modern umbrella hadn’t
changed since 1928. Af far as I am concerned, one of the distinct revolution of Blunt umbrella is the "blunt tips".
Not only it improved the safty but also make the umbrellas much adorable. Another revolution called
"RTS- Radial Tensioning System", that redirects, transfers and distributes the effort used in opening the umbrella
throughout its entire canopy surface. This revolution in umbrella design creates an aerodynamic robust canopy
structure, making Blunt umbrellas the ultimate defense against the elements.
好der~簡介完畢! 來看看最後基尼買了哪兩把傘呢? 答案揭曉~~
After the above introduction, let's see which two did I buy ? The answer is:
The first one is XS-METRO, I really like the pattern, the blunt tips really soften the camouflage
color. And fluorescence yellow trimming gains extra points for it.
Are you ready to see the sceond one?
第二把基尼選擇了可以和刁嘴先生一起使用的Classic直傘大號 ,這個花色是限量款的唷! 由一個住在LA的華裔插畫家
Michael C Hsiung先生所創作。概念是有三個角色分別被Blunt 雨傘保護。一共有三款,拿藍色傘的是嬉皮客-他怕去
會點燃他!但他們都因為有Blunt雨傘保護著,變得不再害怕這些東西。三款的圖都不同哦! 相當可愛~可惜,台灣代理
The second one is a limited edition - Classic + Hsiung. This was designed by Mr. Michael C Hsiung, an
international artist and illustrator. The idea is three characters are protected by Blunt umbrellas.
There are three of them, a hippy with a blue umbrella afraid of sitting exams and shavers; the dount
with a yellow umbrella is afraid of fat kids and ants that gonna eat it! While the bomb with red umbrella
is afraid of candles, lighters and matches. But they are all protected by Blunt umbrella now~
The three of them are totally different and adorable. It's a pitty that Taiwan agent only introduces
the hippy one.
Additonally, the umbrella cover that comes with the umbrella is also well desigend-the strap is adjustable. The hole,
lower side of the cover, allows water comes out from it. Isn't it adorable and practical.
好了~ TIP又來嘍!現在任選兩件八五折!!!!要買要快,心動不如趕快行動吧!
▍基尼愛胡鬧 since 2015 ▍ ★按圖片直達粉絲團★
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